Companions in Waiting success stories
Taylor (was Bijou)

In early December ’20, a long-time dear friend and CIW supporter passed away and left behind 4 wonderful cats that came to CIW. Eleven-year-old Taylor was one. The other three kitties had found their forever families but Taylor was still looking for her family. Taylor was the shyest of the four cats and the most opinionated but she was very sweet once she trusted you. She would give you head bumps when she was ready to be petted and would lay beside you or on top of you when she was feeling really comfortable. She has the sweetest little chirp to let you know she’s there.
We began doing Adoption Fairs again but driving in a car over the hill to Half Moon Bay was not Taylor’s favorite thing to do, So we decided not to make her do that. At our third fair, a lovely couple came in and was asking about the cats, especially the older ones. We showed them two cats that were at the Fair and they asked if we had any more. We told them about Taylor and explained why she wasn’t there. Before we had finished the explanation, Dad pulled out his phone and lo and behold, he had a picture of Taylor that he had downloaded from our web site!! The family were told that it might take Taylor some time to feel comfortable in her new home. We had a message from Taylor’s new family shortly after her adoption with some pictures. They said that Taylor had slept on their bed with them the first night and liked to sit in her Dad’s lap when he was working on the computer. Wow!!! You go girl!! So much for being shy! Taylor’s got a happy family.
Original story: Taylor
Adoption fairs
Join us at Kibbles & Gifts in Half Moon Bay and meet your new best friend!
There are no fairs scheduled at this time. If you're interested in meeting a CIW cat or dog, please email us, or call us at 650-328-0474.
Your tax-deductible gift helps provide food, medical care, and other supplies for homeless pets.
If you would like to receive a Companions in Waiting calendar, please call us at 650.328.0474 to arrange your donation.
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